Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hispanic group to receive $35K

The Puerto Rican Congress in Lakewood stands to receive $35,000 from the state Department of Human Services under its new funding allocation plan.
For Lakewood, that's the good news.
But it's bad news for nine other Hispanic community groups throughout the state, contends the Hispanic Directors Association of New Jersey, that stand to lose their own funding under the DHS's revamped plan.
The DHS's new plan calls for re-allocating an estimated $425,000 in state funding to the Newark-based Latino Institute instead of the Hispanic Directors Association of New Jersey.
As a result, nine community groups across the state that make up the HDANJ say that they will be forced to cease their outreach programs that they say identify and help children with learning disabilities.
The HDANJ is also considering legal action to overturn the DHS decision.
APP [Click HERE to read the rest of the story]

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